Public Statement

I have a prepared statement that I would like to read. I want my thoughts and actions tonight to be clear. At times it may seem as if I am going in a different direction, but rest assured, this is all related to the current topic.

I want my words entered into the public record verbatim. I do not want to be summarized or paraphrased. I have provided copies of my statement to the City Clerk, to the media and I have also posted it online at, so anybody can read it.

This subject started out as something routine and ordinary. The City Council must approve the salary and compensation for this elected office before an individual can run for that office and serve. This is a normal routine thing. This routine procedure has brought to light many questions, questions that in good times have been overlooked or simply, not looked at period.

We are not in good times, our country is not in good times, our state is not in good times and our city is keeping it’s head above water, making the best of these times, but they are not good.

Our country and our livelihood depend on the policymakers, the policymakers in Washington and the policymakers in our community. The elected officials serving right now. Those elected officials across this great country have the opportunity and the obligation to right the wrongs, to fix the inconsistencies and change government for the better. We can solve the problems that plague our society but it will take everybody working together to achieve this goal. It will take our School Boards, our County Supervisors, our Corporation Commissioners, our Congressmen and Senators and it will take our President, to make decisions and set policy that will reform government, eliminate what is not working and abolish areas of waste. Every policymaker has a calling at this time in United States history. They have a calling to fix a broken system before it gets worse.

We can only direct the organization that we were elected to represent and serve. This council was elected to represent the citizens of the City of Yuma and their best interest. We were elected to set policy for municipal government. This is absolutely the time to set policy that steers this city in the right direction.

We have eliminated positions, we have scaled back training, we have suspended our equipment replacement program, we have told our employees they will not be receiving their annual pay increase or their cost of living increase, and we all know the cost of living has been on the rise, there is no doubt about that. We recently told our employees to brace for a 10% insurance increase by 2010.

We have done all these things to balance our budget, to cut expenses and keep our organization operating. We have made minuscule cuts, and we have made large cuts, everything from paper and pens to overtime and travel.
There is an item that did not come up during budget time or any of the other council meetings, yet it came up for Ordinance O2009-30 and that opened the door for questions.

I want to be crystal clear. This is not an attack on any individual or department, this is an observation mixed with some common sense. My intentions are to reduce the unnecessary spending of the people’s money.

The City of Yuma currently has fifteen positions that receive a car allowance. In many of these departments, it is the normal duty to come into the office to work. It seems to me that this is an unnecessary waste in government.

City Administration – 2
City Attorney
City Clerk
City Engineering
Community Development
Human Resources
Information Technology Services
Municipal Court – 2
Parks and Recreation

I am issuing a call to action, to this council to establish a policy that will eliminate an automatic car allowance, just because one directs a department, and set a standard of only those who truly need it shall receive it. The responsibility is on us to reduce wasteful spending. The money that is spent is the people’s money and we should spend it wisely.

This is why I have drafted a resolution that authorizes City Council to approve of car allowances. I am asking the City Attorney to make any necessary legal changes and have it ready for our next regular City Council meeting, May 6, 2009. I am asking the Mayor to place this on the agenda for approval on May 6, 2009. I am asking everyone directly affected by this, the department directors to embrace this and do what is best for your employees, your department, and your community.

Tonight, we start this policy; we remove the car allowance from Ordinance O2009-30, in two years we remove the car allowance from the other position and in two weeks, we set car allowances by Council action to only those departments that truly need it.

-Councilmember Cody Beeson