Let’s start with Dinner for Schmucks, I saw this movie on Friday. I was excited to see the new Steve Carrell flick, I enjoy his humor and I like most of his stuff. Well not really this one. Man, did it take a long time to get to the dinner, which is really what everyone wants to see. It just had a lot of build-ups and a quick happy ending. Save your money unless you really want to see it. If that is the cast just go see Salt because most of the good parts of this movie are in the previews before Salt.
Saturday evening I put my mind on pause and watched Inception, this was a nice change of pace from the previous movie, however, it was a much faster pace. Lots of stuff to take in and you really don’t stop wondering about it until after you are out of the theater. Leonardo DiCaprio can go inside your dreams and mess with your mind, kind of a cool story but also dry, definitely one that hasn’t been repeated to death. Ellen Page was in the movie and I saw her at Comic-Con, so that is already worth more points than the Schmucks movie.
What could be a better way to conclude the weekend than with a Sunday night movie? Tonight was Salt. Angelina Jolie is badass and still smoking hot, so this was the best movie of the weekend. She plays the best character she knows how to play. A badass. What more can I say? It was better than the disappointing Steve Carrell movie and the weird Leonardo DiCaprio one.
There you go that’s it.